
Mortal Kombat 1 to 3 cheats

Mortal Kombat 1

Cheat edits
unlimit continuous
edit MK.EXE
search A7 0C 03 FF FA 04
change -- -- -- -- -- 0A

Mortal Kombat 2

Cheat Codes
in the copyright screen (black with white letters) type
Press F9.

Mortal Kombat 3

Small Players           MK3.EXE 54321
Fat  Players:           MK3.EXE 8888
Long Players            MK3.EXE 12345
Shadow Players          MK3.EXE 831
"Predator" Invisibility MK3.EXE 1995
Turbo mode              MK3.EXE 8000
Slow mode:              MK3.EXE 603015
?????                   MK3.EXE 9966
Floating Little Guys:   MK3.EXE 1111
Smoke  1:               MK3.EXE 666
Smoke  2:               MK3.EXE 0666
The Boss                MK3.EXE 1000000
Blood off               MK3.EXE NOBLOOD
Blood on                MK3.EXE BLOOD
No Violence             MK3.EXE NOVIOLENCE
Violence                MK3.EXE VIOLENCE
??????                  MK3.EXE 4862222

Any  words at the beginning :

No                              100 - 100
No Block                        020 - 020
1/2 energy to 1 player        033 - 000
1/2 energy to 2 player        000 - 033
1/4 energy to 1 player        707 - 000
1/4 energy to 2 player        000 - 707
Infinite run                  466 - 466
Black combat                  688 - 422
Psycho combat                 985 - 125
No fear                       282 - 282
Theater of magic              987 - 666
Knowledge power               123 - 926
Smoke                         205 - 205
Motaro                        969 - 141
Shao Kahn                     033 - 564
Noob Saibot                   769 - 141

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  1. Thanks this cheats is so helpful, I can now finish my games to the end...


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